Video tutorial and pattern

A very easy to make jellyfish, if you put some rings on it, it is a very funny keyring..
- Ganchillo 3 mm
- Aguja de lana
- Tijeras
Los puntos utilizados son:
- Anillo mágico
- Punto alto (pa)
- Punto bajo (pb)
- Aumentos
- Punto deslizado
- Cadenetas
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Aquí tienes el acceso al videotutorial tanto si eres zurdo como diestro, más abajo tienes el patrón.
✅ Si quieres compartir este patrón, por favor, pasa el enlace de esta página.
(El número que verás entre paréntesis detrás de las instrucciones es el número de puntos que tendrás al haber finalizado la vuelta)
Row 1: Magic ring 6 sc
Row 2: 6 increases (inc) (12)
Row 3: 1 sc - 1 inc (18)
Row 4: 2 sc - 1 inc (24)
Row 5 to 9: 24 sc each row
Row 10: 1 sl st - 3 pa en el mismo punto y repetimos 4 veces esta secuencia entre paréntesis 👉 (1pb - 2 p deslizados - 1 pb - 3 pa en el mismo punto) terminadas las 4 secuencias finalizamos con 1 pb - 1 p deslizado.
Cut the thread and secure with 1 knot.
I turn the fabric inside out and with a wool needle or crochet hook. I pass some excess yarn through the inner stitches, stretching the knot a little to hide the knot.
With the help of the crochet hook, I pass the excess yarn through the inside of the fabric.
👁🗨👁🗨 I have placed the eyes between rows 5 and 6, leaving 3 stitches between them.
I have made 5 tentacles.
2 with 25 chain stitches and 3 with 30 chain stitches.
When we finish, we secure with 1 knot and leave the long thread to sew to the body.
To sew to the body, turn the fabric over and stitch a few stitches around the outside of the stitches, I have placed the tentacles around the magic ring.
The strand at the beginning of the chain stitch I also cut it, tightening the knot so that it does not unravel.
The inside will look like this
You can add a little blusher to make it look more tender, some eyelashes, a small loop to hang it as a key ring, etc. 😉
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